7-7-16 Nestle got a Best in Show at our 4-H Round Up 7-26-16 Nestle got a Best in Show at Blue Valley farm show 9-10-16 Nestle got two best of breeds along with a Best in Show getting him his second leg 9-17-16 Nestle got Reserve in Show. getting him his third leg 10-22-16 Nestle got a Best of Breed getting him a fourth leg 12-4-16 Nestle got a Best of breed and best of variety. 12-11-16 For show A Nestle was Disqualified for a broken tail, but in show B got Best of Breed 4-29-17 For show A Nestle got first place out of him and Cadberry. For show B Nestle got second place.
10-22-16 Godiva got best opposite of breed for both show A and show B 12-11-16 Godiva got a best of variety for show A, and got best opposite of variety for show B
12-4-16 Holly got best opposite of breed 12-11-16 Holly got best opposite of variety for both show A and B
I have updates for Penelope, but I need to look back in my records! I will update this asap!!